[ale] something's eating cycles

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Jul 2 17:55:15 EDT 2002

Take the following with a sense of humor:

I use the Mozilla 1.1alpha with great success for emai and browsing from
work.  I limit Javascript's abilities for most operations within Mozilla.
 I don't have Java enabled by default.  I don't load images except fromt
the server I am talking to.  I don't allow animated GIFs to run.  I am not
Flash enabled, or anything enabled.  ;-)
  Mozilla runs great for me like that.  I don't accept all
cookies either.  Mozilla will save a download but doesn't know how to do
anything since I have no plugins enabled except the dummy plugin.

I've had Netscape run away with me plenty of times.  It is usually a Java
app or Javascript problem.  I don't think it is the browser but crappy Java
crap.  You can tell I don't like Java and Javascript fouling up my web experience.<span
 class="moz-smiley-s3"> ;-) 

Jonathan Rickman wrote:
<blockquote type="cite"
 cite="midPine.LNX.4.33.0207011322240.535-100000 at abacus.xcorps.net">
  On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Sean Kilpatrick wrote:

    A stupid GUI KDE bit of software is sitting on my taskbar and monitoring
memory and processor useage. It nicely shows me a sad face when the
processor gets overloaded. cute! useful, NOT. Every once in a while it
pops up a window telling me that solitaire is using to much of the
processor or that Mozilla is doing the same. In each case neither program
is active, nor has been for hours. On the taskbar, but idle.
If mozilla is running, or has ran recently...regardless of whether it is
"active" or not, that's where I'd start. I'm not trying to beat a
dead horse. I really think that's where your problem is. Next time this
happens, close mozilla, bring up a command prompt and run
'ps ax|grep mozilla-bin' without quotes and if it reports anything other
than 'grep mozilla-bin', type 'killall -KILL mozilla'. Trust me, mozilla
is a very ill behaved application under the vast majority of circumstances.
Long ago I learned to always kill mozilla from the command prompt.


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