[ale] expanding $(echo -e "$word\t$word")

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Jan 26 08:40:39 EST 2002

I think you're working too hard on it


as long as you print $line with quotes around it as in:

echo "$line"

You should get your tab as expected

David S. Jackson wrote:

> When I go line=`echo -e $word"\t"$word`; echo $line I only get a
> single space for the \t.  I've tried the following to no avail:
> line=$(echo -e $word"\t"$word)
> line=`echo -e "$word\t$word"`
> line=`echo -e $word"\t"$word`
> and they all expand to only one space.  I want the \t to expand
> to a full tab space.  What am I doing wrong?  (Using bash 2.x).
> TIA.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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