[ale] Sale list

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Jan 9 09:46:34 EST 2002

bieb wrote:
> You are kidding me right?? It's not like you have to give the proper
> information.

No, I'm not.  And I did attempt to enter 'invalid data', but it did not
believe I was born in 1492.  Then again, it did finally accept a
birthdate in the year 2000.  I sent my email after I attempted the
second submission with the 2000 year birthdate.  The site responded with
a message saying I was not subscribed, yet I did get a message
indicating I had been.

Point is, if they ask for that kind of info, I don't trust them....

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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