[ale] QMail ***HELP

Fernando Barros fernando at officer.com.br
Tue Jan 8 14:03:56 EST 2002

Hi, after many tries and mistakes i think i´m close to the end...(i hope!)
I can´t do the pop, so i did this test:
 - echo to:fernando | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
And i get this error message:
 - Unable to chdir to maildir

I start to find and read faqs and emails and every writes about permission
errors but my configuration, i think is correct...
 - In my mysql, the udi and gid are 2000.(I create a user called "vmail").
 - the home field is "/var/qmail/maildirs/fernando"
 - I create the Maildir by maildirmaker and all folders are there
 - i did it too: chown -R 2000.2000 /var/qmail/maildirs

Please, any idea!!


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