[ale] Another Reason to use OSS in Government

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Dec 7 08:24:25 EST 2002

Benjamin Scherrey wrote:
> I'm not making such an assertion but I will say that one's morals often dictate who they chose as an 
> employer. Ever been audited?

Sure, which auditors are you referring to?

Again you come with these unsubstantiated statements.  Other than being 
your opinion, there's not much else.  In that case, I can easily say you 
are wrong.

> 12/6/2002 3:34:37 PM, Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net> wrote:
>>Come, let's let this one die.  This is ridiculous to assert that one's 
>>employer dictates one's morals...
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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