[ale] interesting utilities

Swantje Willms swillms at mail.sis.pitt.edu
Thu Dec 5 10:20:22 EST 2002

I'd use the wiki, if I knew that people may be posting new tools there.
The fact that it is hard to keep up with the email is an argument FOR the
wiki idea, in my opinion. If it's posted on the list, I will probably just
have a glance and then it'll disappear into my ALE mail folder, never to
be looked at again. On the wiki, things will be more accessible. I could
go there once a week or even once a month if I'm very busy and have myself
a "learning new tools" session, and possibly contribute one myself...

So to make a long story short: my hand goes up for Wiki.


On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, John Wells wrote:

> Aaron,
> I agree that wiki would work well for this sort of thing, but I'd first
> like to get a show of hands of how many people on the list use the wiki? 
> Not that it's not useful...but I have a hard enough time keeping up with
> email, much less surfing out daily to see if anyone's added a new tool.
> of course, if people started posting, I'd be forced to start looking ;-)
> my .005 cents.
> John
> aaron said:
> > I like the idea of encouraging more sharing of the tools and tips we all
> >  discover exploring the landscape. This is the same kind of thing
> > Michael  Hirsch and I are promoting by adding a brief "Tip Jar"
> > mini-demo segment  to the monthly meetings.
> >
> > I can see how using some kind of "topic marker" would make tool tips
> > easier to notice and find in the list, but I think the better place to
> > post notes like this would be on a Twiki page. That way everyone doesn't
> >  have to know and remember to include the topic "code", and the list of
> > Cool Tools and Tips will be concise, in addition to being available to
> > the world, not just our list subscribers. (Though if one adds something
> > to the Twiki page it would still make sense to follow up with a notice
> > to  the list...)
> >
> > Just my .02
> >
> > The ALE Twiki server is available if anyone wants to start
> > up a Cool Tools page!
> >
> > peace
> > aaron
> >
> > =========On Wednesday 04 December 2002 14:45, Pete Hardie wrote:
> >> John Wells wrote:
> >> > Seems like I run across a new tool daily that's either fun to play
> >> or very useful, or both.
> >> >
> >> > I'd love to learn about cool tools from other ale'rs, so I was
> >> wondering what others thought about creating a new subject format
> >> (CT: for cool tool, IT: for interesting tool, UT: for utility, FYI:
> >> or some other cheesy tag line) to use when posting something we've
> >> run across that we think other may not (or may) know about.
> >> >
> >> > Way I see it, using and learning Linux is sort of an ongoing
> >> journey, and I'd like to throw up interesting spots on the map with
> >> which my path converges.
> >> >
> >> > Of course, many posts will probably be old news to a lot of folks
> >> (there was a time four years ago where my post might have been (CT:
> >> xargs!), no harm in sharing the love, right?  Let me know what you
> >> guys think.
> >>
> >> I'd suggest a (TOOL) tag - clearer that CT/IT/UT and different from
> >> (OT).
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