[ale] OT: motherboard/processor recommendations

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Thu Aug 15 14:05:18 EDT 2002

I typically build my own pcs from web-order parts, but have had no need to
keep up with hardware trends since two years ago, when I assembled my
current 900mhz athlon.

I'm looking to upgrade the motherboard and processor, but don't know what
my best options are.  Is the Athlon still outperforming the equivalent
pentium?  If I stick with the Athlon, what are some good mbs to take a
look at?  I'd like to go top of the line as far a processor speed goes.  I
currently run an Abit KA7 and have been very pleased with performance.

An additional question: is DDR practically (as opposed to only
theoretically) equivalent to 2xSDRAM?



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