[ale] New Twiki topic LinuxInGASchools

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at attbi.com
Wed Aug 14 19:53:52 EDT 2002

> Again, to understand my criticism of your criticism, you must remember that
> you are saying these things in the context of an EVALUATION of LTSP.

I think here's where we might have a disconnect.  I wasn't so much
evaluating LTSP as I was trying to determine what the delta was between
an LTSP rig set up straight as per the docs and my pre-existing coarse
impression of how it *should* be.  A large part of that impression
centered around having the "session server" be hardened against simple
user acts, like attempting a shutdown.  

> LTSP environments can be very diverse.  LTSP, per se, has NEVER been
> intended to be a point-n-click install, as each installation can be very
> different.  On the other hand, the K12 LTSP project (www.k12ltsp.org) would
> have been a much better choice, if you intended to evaluate LTSP as a
> candidate for this discussion.  

That would be another disconnect, Charles.  I did this work maybe three
months ago, if you can call it "work;" I was only doing this because I
was very interested in implementing such a rig in the future should the
opportunity ever arise.  In fact, I think I finally achieved victory at
about 3AM after spending a couple of nights on it, interleaving my
attention among who knows how many other things I was also trying to
accomplish that night, and I was doing so with only my giant pile of
parts on hand at my disposal.  

> If you had spent any time at all on the LTSP
> mailing list or web site, or done a few rudimentary Google searches, you
> would have found this out.

Sorry if I failed to live up to your standards and didn't take my
research as far as you would have had me take it, Charles.  I guess
*you* won't be hiring *me* anytime soon.  Life intervened; I went on to
other things.  I have been in IT management roles for about ten years
now and scant few people in my career capacity even KNOW anything about
Linux, much less be able to build a working LTSP rig out of parts, so
it's a little difficult for me to feel, you know, like a total dunce as
a result of this kind of browbeating.  You're welcome to your opinions.

- Jeff

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