[ale] best dist for firewall?

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Mon Apr 29 14:53:19 EDT 2002

Good idea.  I hadn't considered building it elsewhere.


---------  Original message --------
From: Joseph A Knapka <jknapka at earthlink.net>
To: ale at ale.org
To: John Wells <jb at sourceillustrated.com>
CC: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] best dist for firewall?
Date: 04-29-02 21:40

> John Wells wrote:
&gt; I'm setting up a firewall on a 120mhz, 16meg machine.  I'd like to run
&gt; iptables, snort/acid and a mysql db to store the snort info.
&gt; Any recommended distros?  It'd be nice to get something minimal
&gt; tightened) but with the 2.4 kernel (for the stateful firewalling
&gt; capabilities).  I considered Slackware or Debian and then upgrading the
&gt; kernel, but the thought of compiling on a 120mhz machine is not a happy

So build it on a fast machine, after configuring for 486 CPU,
and copy it over and run LILO.

I remember my first kernel compile, back in '92, on
a 4MB 486/33. It took somewhere in the neigborhood of
seven hours; today I think we would call that a
&quot;character-building experience.&quot;


-- Joe
Using open-source software: free.
Pissing Bill Gates off: priceless.

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