[ale] Bellsouth dropping SYN packets?

Tyler Kiley tyler at kianta.com
Mon Apr 29 12:30:31 EDT 2002

I've heard a lot of whining about bellsouth dsl here, but I've never had any 
trouble with them.  I've run www, smtp, pop3, and ssh servers on standard 
ports with no problems.  Are you sure your firewall isn't dropping them?


On Monday 29 April 2002 06:04 am, John Wells wrote:
> Playing around with a firewall this weekend.  Everything works great
> internally (MASQ'ing works fine).  However, I couldn't hit my box from an
> external IP, no matter what ports I opened up and what port forwarding
> settings I had.  I tried to hit the raw IP and also my dyndns.org name
> (which was correctly updated with my current IP).
> Does anyone know if Bellsouth DSL does any dropping of inbound SYN packets?
> It would surprise me if they did, but then again, nothing tends to surprise
> me when it comes to Bellsouth.
> Thanks,
> John
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