[ale] Dumb question - file transfer over SSH?

John Mills jmmills at telocity.com
Thu Apr 25 11:24:03 EDT 2002

ALErs -

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Charles Marcus wrote:
> How do I use scp to copy a file from there to here and vice versa?

You'll probably get this many times.

The syntax is dirt-simple:

$  scp <source_user_host_path> <dest_usr_host_path>
(Password prompt:) <user_remote_password>

For example to copy a file inward, you may say:

$scp bozo at the.circus.com:/home/bozo/costumes/mask.gif ~/incoming/
Password for bozo on the.circus.com: <enter bozo's password>

Likewise for outbound:

$ scp ~/outgoing/bozo_stuff/* bozo at the.circus.com:/home/bozo/garbage_in/
Password for bozo on the.circus.com: <yup - do it again>

As far as I know, you must provide correct paths and the login user must
have appropriate priviledges in the affected directories and files on the
remote. 'man scp' is your friend, and I didn't consult it, so you'd
better. &8-)

 - John Mills

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