[ale] inventing the future: university vs corp

Bao C. Ha baoha at sensoria.com
Wed Apr 3 15:27:05 EST 2002

Hi Geoffrey,

I just have a knee-jerked reaction to Chris' statement.
> > And who perfected it?  Certainly not AT&T/Bell Labs?
> Cheap shot.  So you discount that which Bell Labs did for UNIX?

I don't discount Bell Labs of funding the development of Unix.
Unix has been successful because of the cooperation between
academia and corporations in the early days.  I still hold the
view that Unix is so popular and successful now because of 
Berkeley's involvment, which has also been the driver of the
open-source movement.  And I am a System V person, not BSD!

If AT&T had their choice, Unix would have been destroyed in middle
of the '80.  Their commercialization of Unix had been a total
disaster due to corporate greeds.  It is still mind-boggling how
such a premier corporate research institution like Bell Labs ended
up to be Lucent.  IBM's Thomas J. Watson research center is still
pumping out advances despite all of the ups and downs.


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