[ale] The ALE TWiki server is on the air!

Charles Shapiro cshapiro at numethods.com
Thu Oct 11 08:15:14 EDT 2001

<Vernard Martin>

I would like to announce the formation of the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
TWiki Server hosted at


This site is an experiment to see if there is sufficient interest by the
ALE community. If you like and use it then we'll move it to
the official ALE server and make sure it exists in perpetuity alongside
the ALE mailing list. The TWiki is place where folks can take long term
discussions which they feel don't belong on the list. This is by no
means an attempt to censor what is on the list but some dicussions
simply work better in different forums and web pages allow for things
like screenshots and other bandwidth hogs that we normally wouldn't
appreciate being send out over a mailing list.

Please give it a try and let the list know what you think. With any
luck this can become another long standing ALE tradition :)

Oh yeah, make sure to thank Charles Shapiro for taking the time out of
his busy schedule to set up the TWiki and host it on his web site for
the immediate duration.

Details on how to use the TWiki are below:

</Vernard Martin>

<Charles Shapiro>
The TWiki looks just like any other website  except that each page has a

button that says "Edit" on the bottom. Click on that button to change
page & save it back to the server for others to view.  
If you want to create a  brand new page on the TWiki, edit an existing
page and type
in a WikiWord (an initial capital letter followed by mixed case
After you save the page, the word will have a "?" after it. Click on
that "?", 
and you're editing your brand-new page. Simple.  Plenty of documentation
available on the TWiki to help you understand the other cool things you
can do
with it. Hit the "WelcomeGuest" link at the top of the opening page to
see some of it.

I've set this server up with authentication, which means you'll need to
enter a username & password when you hit the <edit> button. Anyone can 
view pages, of course. If you don't want to register yourself, you can
log in as the 
anonymous user: TWikiGuest, password "guest"

To register yourself, flunk the authentication  (that is, press "Cancel"
asked for a username and password) when you select to edit a page.
Choosing a secure 
password is less important than figuring out a memorable one, since the
I'm using is itself not very secure.  Use your last name reversed or the
name of the street
where you live rather than your bank PIN or the root password to your
PC. Your password is not stored in clear text, so I can only reset it,
not tell you what it is. 

</Charles Shapiro>

-- CHS
cshapiro at numethods.com

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