[ale] Date passed to webmail

Tom Younker twins at atlnet.com
Thu Apr 12 10:18:35 EDT 2001


I did more research, and it looks like this product is   Ipswitch iMail ,
running on NT or 2000.  The login screen says "last updated 18 Dec 98", so maybe
it just needs to be patched.

The BIG question is, does it get a date from Linux incorrectly,? (since the
techie at the ISP was using IE 5 to test and it worked OK.) I'm not aware that I
have this problem when I access it from my moldy old Netscape 4.03 on Win 3.X,
but will test is to be sure.


Fletch wrote:

> >>>>> "Tom" == Tom Younker <twins at atlnet.com> writes:
>     Tom> All: When I use Netscape's mail, the message date is normal.
>     Tom> When I use my webmail account, the year is not "2001" but
>     Tom> "101", a big problem when messages are sorted by date.
>         Not knowing all the specifics, I'd guess that the webmail app
> is written in Perl (or something that like perl just has a wrapper
> around gmtime/localtime) and whomever wrote it doesn't understand that
> it's returning years since 1900, not a two digit year.  This would
> explain the 101 (2001 == (1900 + 101)).  It was common pre-y2k to see
> code that just used something like `$year = (localtime)[5]' instead of
> the correct `$year = (localtime)[5] % 100' to get a two digit year
> value (since it worked fine up until last year).
>         But that's just a possible explanation.
> --
> Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
> fletch at phydeaux.org   |  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
> 770 933-0600 x211(w)  |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
>                       |                                               U
> --
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