[ale] Free BSD

mnichol at webentrada.com mnichol at webentrada.com
Thu Apr 5 06:21:34 EDT 2001

Good Morning,
I hope this does not offend anyone. I recently started playing with Free BSD
I was able to complete the install with no problem. I then went to set up a 
dial-up connection to my ISP. I have a Hayes Acura 56k isa modem that has worked
flawlessly with my RH 6.2 and Slack 7.1 machines. The modem is jumpered for com 
1 which is device cuaa0 in BSD terms. When I enter the command ppp I get the 
ppp comand line Like I am suppose to. I then enter term /dev/cuaa0 which drops 
me to another command line where I am suppose to be able to enter atdt**********
which is the phone number I want to dial. My problem is the terminal just hangs 
at this point and wont let me do anything I have to kill the terminal to get 
out. I have a ps/2 mouse so I dont think there could be a conflict there. The 
Free BSD manual is very vague on this subject and I can find no relevent info 
on this particular problem on the web. Does anyone have any Free BSD expierence
or any suggestions on this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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