[ale] IP Masquerading / IPChains Time Out trouble

Jeff Dilcher dilcher at cueva.com
Sun Sep 12 19:49:40 EDT 1999

Hello all,

I have had IP Masquerading / IPChains set up 
for some time, and it usually works without
any trouble.

However, I have been noticing that larger downloads,
either FTP or HTTP have been timing out, and failing
to recieve files.  Usually this occurs in exactly
the same moment in a download, even when I retry
a second time.  The download just hangs and then
gives up.

For instance, most recently, I was downloading a 
28 meg file, and every time it would hang at 
5.08 megs into the download.


Any one have any suggestions?
Here is my IP Chains rules, incase I might have 
something screwy there:

# Needed to initially load modules
/sbin/depmod -a

# Supports the proper masquerading of FTP file transfers using the
#por method
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp

# Supports the masquerading of RealAudio over UDP.  Without this
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio

# Supports the masquerading of IRC DCC file transfers

/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc

#Quake I / QuakeWorld (ports 26000 and 27000)
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_quake

#Quake I / QuakeWorld / and Quake II (ports 26000, 27000, 27910)
/sbin/modprobe ports=ip_masq_quake 26000,27000,27910

#CRITICAL:  Enable IP forwarding since it is disabled by default since
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Dynamic IP users:
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr

# MASQ timeouts

ipchains -M -S 86400 60 120

# Enable simple IP forwarding and Masquerading
ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth1 -s 0/0 68 -d 0/0 67 -p udp

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