[ale] [ Question ] - how do i get rid of system beep

Raptor raptor at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 30 12:34:42 EDT 1999

Hey everyone.  You know that system beep you get when you reach the
end of the line, the end of the buffer, or the end of the file?

Is there any way to shut that annoying thing off?!  I've looked in my
Linux books and checked the man pages, but to no avail.  I know it may
sound like a stupid question, but I'd really like to shut it off.  I
thought about just disconnecting my PC speaker, but I figured there
has to be a way to do it via the operating system.

Any help is greatly appreciated,



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 *    men of old;
 *    Seek what they sought.  -- Basho

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