[ale] remote shutdown

Keith R. Watson keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu
Fri Oct 15 12:53:50 EDT 1999

At 11:58 AM 10/18/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a small machine at home RH6 that is doing ip_masq. And my sister
>in law wants to use the internet from her computer. She knows how to
>turn on the linux box but she does not know how to shut it down. I
>personally run the halt command which shutsdown and turns off the
>machine. I need a solution that will do just that, where she clicks on
>her desktop(Win98) and it rsh the halt command, any ideas ?
>BTW: I have a small hard disk in this machine that is getting corrupted,
>I'm looking for a kernel that will do IP_MASQ and can be booted from
>floppy, I looked at the devel project, but it does not say anything
>about ip_masq. Can I build such kernel ... ? I'll try tonight but any
>pointers would be greatly appreciated.


I can't answer the question about remote shutdown but I can tell you who
has a Linux router that boots from floppy. Charles Shapiro,
72300.3632 at compuserve.com has a working Linux router running ip_masq that
boots from a floppy. He is supposed to be giving a talk on it at one of the
upcoming ALE meetings.



Keith R. Watson                        GTRI/AIST
Computer Services Specialist IV        Georgia Institute of Technology
keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu           Atlanta, GA  30332-0816

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