[ale] Diskless networking questions.

Mike Kachline kachline at medept17.coon.gatech.edu
Sat Jun 19 11:22:33 EDT 1999


	Over the short "spring break" we've had, I managed to finally get
an (almost) diskless linux net going at home. However, with the addition
of a new machine, as well as an ethernet based lan, I've now got questions
concerning connectivity to the internet via modem.

	First, a quick rundown of my architecutre. I've got two machines,
one called "client" (, and one called "server" (
"client" is diskless booting (really floppy booting) and has it's NFS home
on "server". Both "client" and "server" are running RH 5.2 and kernel
2.2.7. Finally, "server" has a modem.

	My question is this. I want to be able to have "server" connect
via PPP to the internet and then be able to "route" any internet requests
from "client" to the internet through this PPP link. I've read a little on
IP Masquerading, and suspect that this is the direction which I want to
go... can anyone confirm this? Are there any pitfalls which I need to know
about in getting this up and running?

	Finally, a more immediately important answer. Ever since
establishing the LAN, when I connect to the internet via PPP (from
"server"), I no longer have nameserver support. Before the LAN, I would
specify a gatech nameserver to linuxconf and, upon dialing in, the
nameserver would become "magically" active. However, at this point, even
after having specified the gatech nameserver to linuxconf, the gatech
nameserver never seems to be used. Any ideas? Posted below my .sig are my
dialin scripts and /etc/resolv.conf if that will help any.

					Thanks in advance,
						- Mike
Michael Kachline CS, Georgia Institute of Technlology
kachline at brightstar.gt.ed.net

"server" /etc/resolv.conf
domain coon.gatech.edu
search gatech.edu gt.ed.net kachline.net

"server" dialup script
/usr/sbin/pppd connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0' -detach crtscts modem
defaultroute noipdefault /dev/ttyS1 38400

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