[ale] NFS has gone awry!

db at disctech.net db at disctech.net
Mon Feb 8 22:55:23 EST 1999

Greetings!  I have a generic NFS problem (I think) and I was wondering
if anyone could help me out on what exactly it means.  I'm trying to
mount a remote Linux filesystem from FreeBSD, a la:

null:[~]# mount_nfs unreach:/ /unreach
NFS Portmap: RPC: Program not registered.


As you can see, there seems to be a problem with RPC.  The /etc/exports
file on the remote linux box reads the line:

/	null(ro,no_root_squash)

...which should export the / filesystem to the machine null, which is
defined in the /etc/hosts file.  Could someone tell me what's going on

david a. brooks
discovery technology, inc.
voice: .. (770) 514 0547 x.280
pager: .. (770) 379 2333
dave at disctech.net

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