[ale] Was Re: Graphical Login, Solaris "Command Prompt" login.

Mike Kachline kachline at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Feb 4 00:50:35 EST 1999

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, frank zamenski wrote:

> >	If you've ever seen the login screen of a Solaris box, you've
> >pretty much seen KDM. KDM gives a username/password prompt with buttons to
> >select which "session" you want (ie KDE, failsafe, fvwm, etc), whether to
>                                     ^^^^^ ummm, I think that's CDE, isn't
> it? Not that I'm nit-pickin' here. :)
	Well, in the *K*DM drop down box, the option is actually "KDE" not
"CDE", but, you are correct; in *C*DE's "xdm", they give the options of
CDE, failsafe, fvwm, Command Prompt etc.

	... You know! On that point. How can I get a "Command Prompt"
session thrown into the KDM box? I'm assuming that I have to add a new
session into my /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession file (Running RH 5.2). Yea, I
realize that I could kludge one out by running a full screen xterm, but
Solaris' "Command Line" option actually let's me fire up Xsun with my own
options. Then, once I'm done with that shell, everything fires back into
the xdm session. Is that doable in Linux? 

							- Mike
Michael Kachline - CS, Georgia Tech
kachline at cc.gatech.edu

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