[ale] proper way to uninstall lilo

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Mon Aug 9 09:33:47 EDT 1999

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Lisa Chiang wrote:

> ALE'rs:
> What is the proper way to remove lilo from the MBR of a disk?  I tried running
> lilo with the -u switch but that doesn't work right.  When I boot, you get LI
> which means that lilo is still there.  I "fixed" it by reformating the boot
> disk and reinstalling windows but that's a long sad story.  (Did you know that
> windows can do terrible things to itself when it starts running low on disk
> space?) 

Boot MS-DOS.

Using MS-DOS's fdisk,

fdisk /mbr


Chris Ricker                                               kaboom at gatech.edu
                                              chris.ricker at genetics.utah.edu

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