[ale] Modems and Red Hat 6.0

hirsch at mathcs.emory.edu hirsch at mathcs.emory.edu
Mon Aug 9 09:27:45 EDT 1999

Jeb W Barger <jeb_barger at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey... I have very confused.  I know that Linux
> doesn't support PCI modems or does it?  If it does
> that's great (it's faster) however I also have a
> non-pci modem, how do I install it in Red Hat ?

In addition to the PCI modem mentioned by Glenn, there is one winmodem company
that claims to have a Linux driver.  I think they are going to make the full
announcement at the LinuxWorld conference.  It is not clear if they are going
open source with the driver.  And I don't think it is being sold, yet.


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