[ale] coda

Michael D. Ivey ivey at realminfo.com
Wed Sep 9 10:48:50 EDT 1998

I've been toying around with coda for a day or so now, and was wondering
if anyone else has played with it at all.  My ultimate goal is to be able
to share documents between my desktop box and the laptop, and do the 
'hoard' so I can work remotely without a net connection.  Haven't gotten
that to work, yet...venus won't run when I'm not on the network.

Anyone else doing this?  Other ways of sharing files between a laptop
and a desktop that allows for non-network use of the laptop?  I used
CVS for a bit, actually...worked ok, but I like the fact that coda is

Michael D. Ivey, RHCE  <ivey at realminfo.com>
Senior Technical Manager, REALM Information Technologies 
(770) 446-1332 x 114

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