[ale] for in bash using eval

David S. Jackson dsj at dsj.net
Wed Sep 2 11:03:56 EDT 1998


I'm plowing through the O'Reilly fishbook (on bash), and the author
says (on page 187) there's a way to use a for loop with a construct
similar to FOR i := 1 to 10 ; do or some such (as in Pascal).  He says
it has to do with variable substitution and the eval statement, but
I'm sure I don't get it.

Can anyone help me out here?  He says it's an "advanced usage" and
that I will be a "true bash hacker" if I can figure it out.  (I think
I've tried everything that doesn't work!) Are there any wizened bash
hackers out here who can fill me in?

David S. Jackson                           http://www.dsj.net
My karma ran over your dogma.

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