[ale] Sharing and Programming

Michael B Golden naugrim at juno.com
Mon Nov 30 19:00:11 EST 1998

1. 	If by some miracle, I am able to get a bigger hard drive soon,
I may try Red Hat along with Slackware. I was wondering is they can
"share" with each other.
For example, could I create one swap partition, could both use it? (Not
simultaneously). And, could I use programs from one in the other? Could
they be made to view, open, and execute each others files? Basically,
could they peacefully coexist without major problems?

2. 	My Linux book mentions something about one of the linux tools
being a cross-compiler? Does that mean that I could write a program in
linux and run it in Windows/DOS without having a windows or DOS compiler?
Also, the tools for creating programming languages, can I create
compilers for DOS too? One more thing, is there a version of BASIC (or a
clone of Visual Basic) available for Linux? (A good one like QBASIC, not
just a cheapo). I ask because I only know BASIC and Visual Basic right
now. (QBASIC was free, and a friend legally gave my dad a copy of VB3.0
(the newest being VB6.0 :(  )) If I were to learn C or C++, are there any
good sites or tutorials for free?

Michael Golden
Naugrim at Juno.com

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