[ale] booting problems.

Robert L. Harris robert at ast.lmco.com
Fri Mar 14 10:22:13 EST 1997

Joshy wrote:
> It turns out it was the video card that was causing the problem.  I just
> installed an STB PowerGraph 64V  and it works fine.  I have no idea how a
> graphics card could possibly affect the floppy drives but it did.  c'est
> la vie avec les ordinatures.
>         -joshy
>                                                 Joshy - wide eyed innocent
>                                                  a CS major who can cook

I've been doing PC build/repairs for YEARS and you'd be amazed what a
video card can screw up.  I've seen one make the memory give parity


Robert L. Harris          |		Friends help you move.
System Engineer For Hire. \_		Real friends help you move bodies.  

Robert at ast.lmco.com

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

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