[ale] goofy printing problem

Andrew Newton lfs at eskimo.com
Wed Jul 23 12:34:09 EDT 1997

According to the man pages for lpd, it is usually
started from an rc file and will default to the
standard port.  Try typing "lpd &" and then see
if printing works.  If it does, search through
your rc scripts and see if it is commented out
or even in there and then fix them accordingly.

Josh Murrah wrote:
> First of all, thanks for the help so far.
> What I've found is :
> 1)  I didn't have a /etc/hosts.lpd   I added this in, no help.
> 2)  lpd isn't answering on it's port (515).  <-- I think this is my prob.
> 3)  lpd doesn't show up on a list if I do a ps -auxww.
> anybody?  How do I get lpd to stay running/answer it's port??
> Thanks!
> Joshua Murrah, jmurrah at salug.org, http://www.salug.org/~jmurrah
> --------------------------~~~===<[^]>===~~~------------------------------

Andrew Newton
lfs at eskimo.com
alnewton at automatedlogic.com

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