[ale] Newbie Linux User Where to Start Question

Rich Simons entos at mindspring.com
Sat Jul 19 16:19:37 EDT 1997

Hello All!

I am new to this mailing list and hope this question is appropriate.  If not, just ignore.

I am new to Linux (a couple or so years of Unix but that was a while back) and need some direction.
I want to create a Linux installation for C++ development.  The most important goal is to do it quickly
with the latest updates and no headaches (you guys must be rolling on the floor already!).  I don't
mind paying my dues, but, I would much prefer to buy someones commercial package and install
by the numbers.  Mainly, I want the best C++ development environment I can find (graphical IDE &
debug, build tools (or graphical front-ends), ...).  You get the picture.  Is there a recognized leader out
there that can provide all of this (Caldera, ...)?  What about reviews/comparisons of various bundles?
Are there any old postings that would be useful?  I really don't want to use emacs and rcs (I'm too old
for that).

Feel free to post responses or send them directly to me if you feel this question is a little too green.

Thanks in advance,

Rich Simons
ENTOS Communications
entos at mindspring.com

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