[ale] Drug Dealers and Software Developers

STEVEN_DUCHENE at HP-USA-om1.om.hp.com STEVEN_DUCHENE at HP-USA-om1.om.hp.com
Wed Feb 19 11:06:54 EST 1997

funny comparison...


Item Subject: HUM: Drug Dealers and Software Developers (***)
>Delivered-To: humour-list at qlist.synapse.net
>Date: 18 Feb 1997 22:25:32 -0000
>Cc: recipient.list.not.shown:;
>From: Oracle Service Humour Archive
<humour-list-request at clarinet.synapse.net>
>Subject: HUM: Drug Dealers and Software Developers (***)
>Sender: humour-list-owner at qlist.synapse.net
>Drug Dealers and Software Developers: coincidence?
>---------------------------      ---------------------------
>Drug dealers                     Software developers
>---------------------------      ---------------------------
>Refer to their clients           Refer to their clients
>as "users".                      as "users".
>"The first one's free!"          "Download a free trial
>Have important South-East        Have important South-East
>Asian connections                Asian connections
>to help move the stuff).         (to help debug the code).
>Strange jargon:                  Strange jargon:
>"Stick," "Rock,"                 "SCSI," "RTFM,"
>"Dime bag," "E".                 "Java," "ISDN".
>Realize that there's             Realize that there's
>tons of cash in the              tons of cash in the
>14- to 25-year-old               14- to 25-year-old
>market.                          market.
>Job is assisted by the           Job is assisted by
>industry's producing             industry's producing
>newer, more potent mixes.        newer, faster machines.
>Often seen in the company        Often seen in the company of
>of pimps and hustlers.           marketing people and venture
>                                 capitalists.
>Their product causes             DOOM. Quake. SimCity. Duke Nukem
>unhealthy addictions.            'Nuff said.
>Do your job well, and            Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!
>you can sleep with
>sexy movie stars who
>depend on you.

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