[ale] Video Card

RHS Linux User terry at Gateway.esc1.com
Thu Feb 13 19:56:46 EST 1997

Hello ale:

I have a Gateway 2000 with an STB Virge video card with 4 meg ram.  I have 
version 2.0.0 of RedHat on my machine.  I am unable to run X on the console.  
The command X -probeonly returns with the message "S3: unknown chip set".  
Also, the card is not recongized at startup.  The dmesg command reveals the 
folling message: Warning : Unknown PCI device (5333:883d).  Please read 
include/linux/pci.h.  By the way, this is a PCI bus.  The version of XFree86 I 
have is uhh... uhh... well, I don't know how to tell what version I have.  
Right now, I'm running X from an NCD X-Terminal, but want to get on the 
console.  Anyone have any ideas for me?

Thanks for any help you can give...

  ********************** Enhanced Solutions Computing **********************
  *          Terry Lee Tucker                  E-Mail: terry at esc1.com      *
  *          5505 Raintree Trace                 Work: 770.965.9294        *
  *          Oakwood, GA 30566 USA               Home: 770.967.9108        *
  * John 14:6  Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.   *
  *            No one comes to the Father except through me."              *

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