[ale] Tar from linux to Irix.

Rob nomad at netwide.net
Fri Sep 6 12:43:37 EDT 1996

I have created a tar to a 4mm tape on my linux machine.  I'm trying to
restore it to an SGI Indy...  It complains that it is a byte-swapped
archive and won't restore...  This is new to me.  The man page refers to
byte-swapping, but not how to restore it...  Anyone ever done this?


Robert L. Harris
System Engineer, Time Warner Cable.
e-mail: Robert.Harris at twcable.com 
        nomad at netwide.net

# Un*x FOREVER         # These are my thoughts    #
#                      #  and only my thoughts.   #
# Never Play LeapFrog  #  Any resembleance to     #
#  With a Unicorn!     #  anyone else's thoughts  #
#                      #  is either coincidence,  #
#                      #  or they stole them      #
#                      #  from me.                #

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