[ale] ISDN and BellSouth

Michael J. Callahan mikec at america.net
Wed Sep 4 08:43:47 EDT 1996

Really, available shortly? I had not seen any dates on availability, or
rates either. Will they be available in all service areas, or maybe only
selected areas, like the areas where they are laying new fiber optic
cables? My neighborhood will not be serviced by the new cable until late
1997 (outside stone mtn area). Heard any dollar rate figures?

I read that some of the home satelite TV companies are going to go for
providing this service also. 

|\/|ike C. -- mikec at america.net 
*note: insert clever tagline here...         

On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, jkerr wrote:

>      I agree.  Why pay $125.00 for ISDN when the cable modems will be 
>      available from Media 1 shortly.  You would think Bell would make ISDN 
>      attractive now to try and get as much of the market as possible.  Bell 
>      needs to decrease rates to increase it's customer base.  
>      Jim
> ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
> Subject: Re: [ale] ISDN and BellSouth
> Author:  LEE at DTISMTP (Lee Nelson) {Lee.Nelson at ntb9.cdc.gov} at INTERNET
> Date:    9/3/96 10:02 PM
> If they are sucessful with getting this rate increase it will 
> esentailly kill ISDN in Bell South territory and provide additional 
> incentives for Media 1 (etc.) to move even faster in implementing 
> cable modems ( which are much faster than ISDN) and will also push 
> businesses to the satellite downlink solution.  Very sad to hear this. 
>  I just installed ISDN about 3 months ago, but I won't pay that kind 
> of rate.
> Lee Nelson

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