[ale] Re: Real:DNS on Linux

Donnie Savage dsavage at cisco.com
Wed Nov 27 10:53:07 EST 1996

Well off the bat it looks like you named.boot only has reverse lookup
configuration file specified EXCEPT the format you have is for the
forward lookup config file....  

Here, I have taken mine, edited it a little to look more like one you
would use and included them here... hope they help


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cut here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# /etc/host.conf file
# Lookup names via DNS then fall back to /etc/host
order hosts, bind
# we dont have machines with multiple addresses
multi on
# check for ip address spoofing
nospoof on
# and warn if someone tries to spoof
alert on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cut here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
;  /etc/named.boot file
;    boot file for name server
directory /var/named
; type     domain                	backup file
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
cache      .                     	named.cache
primary    my-domain.com           	named.host
primary    0.0.127.in-addr.arpa         named.local
primary    100.202.200.in-addr.arpa      named.rev
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cut here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
; named.rev for my-domain.com
@		IN	SOA	pc2.my-domain.com. dsavage.my-domain.com. (
			12345 	;serial number
			86400	;refresh 24 hours
			3600	;Retry after 1 hour
			2592000	;expire 30 days
			2592000	;minimum 30 days

		IN	NS 	pc2.my-domain.com.
1		IN	PTR	pc1.my-domain.com.
2		IN	PTR	pc2.my-domain.com.
3		IN	PTR	pc3.my-domain.com.
4		IN	PTR	pc4.my-domain.com.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cut here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
; named.local for my-domain.com
@		IN SOA pc2.my-domain.com. dsavage.my-domain.com. (
			12345 	;serial number
			86400	;refresh 24 hours
			3600	;Retry after 1 hour
			2592000	;expire 30 days
			2592000	;minimum 30 days
		IN NS 	pc2.my-domain.com.
1		IN PTR	localhost.my-domain.com.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cut here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
; named.host for my-domain.com
@		IN	SOA     pc2.my-domain.com. dsavage.my-domain.com. (
			12345 	;serial number
			86400	;refresh 24 hours
			3600	;Retry after 1 hour
			2592000	;expire 30 days
			2592000	;minimum 30 days
		IN	NS	pc2.my-domain.com.
; the domain of my-domain.com
		IN	MX	100 pc2.my-domain.com.
		IN	HINFO	P5-100 Linux
; the local host
localhost	IN	A
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; LocalNet address space
pc1		IN	A
pc2		IN	A
pc2		IN	A
pc3		IN	A
; Here are a few alaises which can be used...
mailhost	IN	CNAME	pc2
ftp		IN	CNAME	pc2
www		IN	CNAME	pc2
news		IN	CNAME	pc2
ns		IN	CNAME	pc2
nameserver	IN	CNAME	pc2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cut here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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