[ale] time

dZothMuellarg zot at crl.com
Tue Nov 26 17:09:10 EST 1996

^Does anyone know how to ping a timeserver and have 
^your Linux machine update the time, say once every hour?
In my crontab:
 04 03 * * *       /etc/rc.d/time.set 2> /dev/null

[root at zotnet POV]# cat /etc/rc.d/time.set
/usr/sbin/netdate -v tycho.usno.navy.mil bitsy.mit.edu
/sbin/clock -w

Note this causes an email to be sent, I suppose I should make the crontab line:

04 03 * * *       /etc/rc.d/time.set > /dev/null 

^Also, how do I find a timerserver?

You need at least two, and often your ISP will have one.  What I want
to know is how tohook up my Windows 95 and NT bozes to my server (which
is running timed)

Zot O'Connor                            zot at crl.com
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