[ale] RedHat

Vernard Martin vernard at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Nov 7 21:49:31 EST 1996

> I've used Redhat and Slackware.  Overall I'd say I prefer RH.  The LiLO
> problems that have been posted here are either problems with LiLO itself
> or problems with the install where someone ran out of disk space, not 
> with a "RedHat version" of LiLO.

Actually that is not true. There have been several folks that have had
trouble with the RedHat 4.0 (Colgate) release that seem to be unfathomable.
I believe that the good folks at Redhat just weren't quite thorough enough
in their testing before release or something went wrong on the burn of the
cd masters. But there have been some problems that don't seem to make any
sense at all that have nothing to do with running out of disk space at

Vernard Martin, High Performance Parallel Computation and Experimentation Lab
(vernard.martin at cc.gatech.edu) http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/vernard/
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
[Comic Book Collector, Linux Advocate, DramaTechie, Gamer, and GT ACM President]

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