[ale] UARTs (actually Hayes ESP)

Dave Ritchie der at hpuerca.atl.hp.com
Tue Mar 19 14:14:15 EST 1996

> FYI (Fer Y'All's Information),
> There are at least a couple of companies that make interface cards with one 
> or more serial ports on them that each operate at 230Kbps, rather than 
> 115Kbps.  The Hayes ESP (Enhanced Serial Port) is probably the best known 
> of these, and has been around considerably longer than any of the others I've 
> seen since it came out (within the last couple of years).  Last thing I read about 
> these cards was that Hayes was having extreme difficulty meeting the demand 
> for them.  I don't know how much they usually cost, but knowing Hayes, it's 
> probably too much.

ESP are available directly from Hayes for $49 - see

-- Dave Ritchie
der at atl.hp.com

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