[ale] ifconfig

Joe Bayes jbayes at cs.oberlin.edu
Sat Jun 29 14:52:39 EDT 1996

"Steven A. DuChene" typeth:

>	What messages do you get about the card at bootup? If your not getting
>any card detection messages like IRQ, card hardware address, and etc, you
>probably don't have the driver compiled into your kernel or you may have
>some other driver autoprobing and the card is not being found. 

The Ethernet-HOWTO says that, "A working 3c509 driver [...] is now in
the standard kernel." I'm using the latest pre-compiled Slackware
kernel as of April, so I assumed that the driver was already compiled
into this kernel. It may be that what the author of the HOWTO meant
was that the _source_ for the driver is included in the _source_ for
the kernel...

hmm. Okay, well, I'll try recompiling my kernel (more swapping
floppies...what fun!) and I'll get back to you.



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