[ale] rm causing filesystem errors?

Alfred Grahame Leach aleach at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Jul 22 12:51:15 EDT 1996

Well, I'm still trying to get a kernel compiled that I can actually 
use...  So far, I've been able to compile absolutely cleanly twice, but 
the resulting images (both on floppy and on hd) are garbage, giving crc 
errors when the machine tries to boot them.  An earlier suggestion was 
that maybe the filesystem was damaged.  I used e2fsck to fix the 
filesystem (it found several errors which were only cleaned up after 
running this utility 3 times).  I have attempted to remove the linux 
directory structure (under /usr/src) using "rm -rf linux" which causes rm 
to dump core on each successive execution, but does eventually remove the 
directory structure.  However, this hoses the filesystem all over 
again...  Any idea about why this is happening?  I'm going to clean out 
this directory structure and then run e2fsck until I get no errors, and 
then attempt to re-extract the kernel source and start over.  However, 
any ideas about why this is happening, or a good way to fix whatever's 
going on would highly appreciated.  Help me before the boss gets mad!!!


- Al

   DELL 425s/L
   8M RAM
   Adaptec 1515 SCSI
   Conner SCSI hd
   NEC Multispin 3xp plus SCSI
   video on motherboard w/512k
   Intel Ether Express
   RedHat Picasso Linux w/1.2.13 kernel (trying to build 2.0.7 kernel)

  | Al Leach              |  Georgia Tech              | Sailing is:       |
  | Graduate Student      |  College of Computing      |  hours and hours  |
  | MS, CS/Networking     |  Atlanta, GA 30332         |  of boredom,      |
  +-----------------------+----------------------------|  punctuated by    |
  | email: aleach at cc.gatech.edu                        |  moments of sheer |
  | WWW: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/aleach   |  stark terror...  |
  |     < Georgia Tech - Olympic Village of the 1996 Summer Olympics >     |

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