[ale] Problems compiling f2c 1.1 libs

John M. Mills jmills at siberia.gtri.gatech.edu
Thu Feb 29 13:29:39 EST 1996

I managed (just) to build f2c and the static libf2c.a, but am getting tied in
knots trying to build the shared libs.  The system thrashes for 5 minutes or
so (can only get a few characters per minute even to a console screen), then
the log shows:

... libF77/getarg_.o(.te xt+0x27): undefined reference to `xargc'
... libF77/getarg_.o(.text+0x2e): undefine d reference to `xargv'

and a simlar complaint on two other modules.  Looking at the source, getarg_.c:
#ifdef KR_headers
VOID getarg_(n, s, ls) ftnint *n; register char *s; ftnlen ls;
void getarg_(ftnint *n, register char *s, ftnlen ls)
extern int xargc;
extern char **xargv;
register char *t;
register int i;

if(*n>=0 && *n<xargc)
        t = xargv[*n];

These are declared in main.c:
int xargc;
char **xargv;

#ifdef KR_headers
main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv;
main(int argc, char **argv)
xargc = argc;
xargv = argv;
Any ideas?  I'm using gcc 2.6.3.

Thanks --jmm--

John M. Mills, Senior Research Engineer   --   john.m.mills at gtri.gatech.edu
   Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0853
        Phone contacts: 770.528.3258 (voice), 770.528.7083 (FAX)
          "Lies, damned lies, statistics, and simulations."

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