[ale] Multilink and PPP on Linux

Lee Nelson gln2 at ntb9.cdc.gov
Sun Apr 28 15:22:16 EDT 1996

I want to connect two Linux boxes via ISDN using a Motorola BitSURFR =
Pro.  I needed to get the full 115K bandwidth (by combining the 2 B =
channels) over the link.   As I understand it, I will need to use =
multilink PPP.  I am familar with standard PPP but really have no =
knowledge of multilink PPP.  Can someone tell me if it is possible to do =
this and if so how?  Where can I get more Linux specific information?

If I didn't believe it with my own mind, I never would have seen it.

                    From "A Force Upon the Plain" by Ken Stern speaking  =

                      about the modern day militia movement's conspiracy

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