[ale] expand memory to 32M

Dan Newcombe newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu
Mon Apr 8 11:00:10 EDT 1996

> > Help! I expand my compaq 486/66 memory from 16M to 32M, but when I 
> > checked the /proc/meminfo, the total still 16M.  Do I need to recompile 
> > the kernel to make effect? What should I do?
> Yes. Recomile the kernel. There is an option limiting the memory to 16M.
> When you configure make sure that option is off.

And if that doesn't work, there is a LILO command line option which 
tells Linux it has a certain amount of memory.

Dan Newcombe - Clayton State College - User Services - 770-961-3421 
newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu  http://www.csc.peachnet.edu/home/dan/
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                                  (Marillion, Jigsaw)

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